Alex Faust ’12
Play-by-play, Los Angeles Kings
College basketball, football, hockey for NBC, ESPN, FOX Sports, Westwood One Radio
Play-by-play, Utica Comets (AHL 2013–15)
Twitter: @alex_faust

Jared Shafran ’11
Comms/Broadcasting Director and PxP, South Carolina Stingrays (ECHL)
2019–20 ECHL PR/Broadcaster of the Year
Play-by-play, Ferris State Hockey
Twitter: @jaredshafran

Ben Horner ’11
Play-by-play, Dartmouth hockey
PxP/sideline, NU soccer, basketball, hockey, baseball
ECAC Media and Comm. Coordinator
PxP/broadcasting and media relations director, Wichita Falls
Twitter: @benhorner13

Zolan Kanno-Youngs ’16
Homeland security correspondent, New York Times
Reporter, The Wall Street Journal
Sports/Metro Correspondent, Boston Globe
Twitter: @KannoYoungs

Jake Fischer ’16
Writer, Bleacher Report
Associate Producer, Sports Illustrated
Twitter: @JakeLFischer

David Kroopnick ’16
Assistant Coach, MIT Men’s Basketball
Assistant Basketball Coach, Maccabi Team USA
Twitter: @kroopnick

Milton Posner ‘21
Play-by-play/color/sideline, Northeastern Athletics
Play-by-play, UMass Boston Athletics
Sideline, Boston City TV’s “Game of the Week”
Twitter: @miltonposner
If you’re a WRBB Sports alumnus active in sports broadcasting, journalism, or communications and would like to be added to this page, please contact sports@wrbbradio.org.